Cry of democracy
A man of the home, a fighter for our nation, a soul holding up of the name of America with pride; this man walks by an angry protestor who lites the red white a blue cloth of pride into a blazing mess of fire. He walks by, and he feels his heart sink into his stomach at the piercing sight of disrespect, but he continues on walking with his eyes casts down. “ I don’t like what they do, but I am willing to fight for it.”
Freedom falls into the territory of the Yin and the Yang, the acrobatic balancing act between good and evil, but the question is, where does the line of demarcation lay? When is it ok to tap telephones, to wire innocents, to force every individual at an air port to go through thorough yet very strenieus security scanning? When is safety protection and when is it suffocation? What is the price of safety in our world today?
I have been flying internationally since the day I first began to gurgle my first syllables. Airplanes never scared me, and neither did the people on them. Unfortunately that all had to change on September 11th , 2001. That terrible day opened an unwanted door in the walls of my mind, letting in fear, loss, lost of faith, lost of trust, and questions that made me wonder if my life was really as safe as I thought it would be. If someone told me right then and there that they could offer me permanent safety by caging me up and putting me somewhere where other people made the decisions for me, I would have said “Yes! Take me!” Today, six years from then, I can see how I could have just surrendered every ounce of freedom that so many people in history have faught and died to obtain for me.
I don’t believe that other people should have the right to make me, or anyone in the world feel that way.
This is just a brief over the beginning of my essay.
Freedom falls into the territory of the Yin and the Yang, the acrobatic balancing act between good and evil, but the question is, where does the line of demarcation lay? When is it ok to tap telephones, to wire innocents, to force every individual at an air port to go through thorough yet very strenieus security scanning? When is safety protection and when is it suffocation? What is the price of safety in our world today?
I have been flying internationally since the day I first began to gurgle my first syllables. Airplanes never scared me, and neither did the people on them. Unfortunately that all had to change on September 11th , 2001. That terrible day opened an unwanted door in the walls of my mind, letting in fear, loss, lost of faith, lost of trust, and questions that made me wonder if my life was really as safe as I thought it would be. If someone told me right then and there that they could offer me permanent safety by caging me up and putting me somewhere where other people made the decisions for me, I would have said “Yes! Take me!” Today, six years from then, I can see how I could have just surrendered every ounce of freedom that so many people in history have faught and died to obtain for me.
I don’t believe that other people should have the right to make me, or anyone in the world feel that way.
This is just a brief over the beginning of my essay.