High school newspaper
Volleyball Starts!
Sweat, concentration, and quick feet have clouded the minds of our School’s volleyball team members. Given a one-week period prior to the seasons start for training, the volleyball team members had to quickly master the skills of a skilled volleyball player. This year’s coach, Mr. Good, has had background experience of playing college ball, and to make sure that he taught the players well, he ordered a volley ball training guide written by true professional coaches. The practices start with a warm up, followed by ball handling drills, and then ended with a scrimmage. The warm up is a pretty tough routine, so tough that many of the players wish they could avoid it. They do lunges, calf workouts, latter sprints, coordinating arm stretches, jumping jacks, and “squat thrust” drills (which is like a hamstring flexors and pushup put into one smooth motion). After the hardest part is through, then comes the part that challenges most of the players mentally rather than physically. The unexpected tossing of the ball in all directions is one of the many great challenges the players have to face when dashing to and fro to retrieve them. Another drill is called the “zigzag” drill. This is the drill which requires the players to stand in two lines, facing towards each other, that’s where they must pass the ball in a zigzag like motion all the way to the end of the line, then all the way back up. Out of all the drills, my favorite drill would have to be the “Bump, set, spike” drill. This is where teamwork is really put into action. One person bumps, the another person sets, and then the last person runs up to the net and smashes the ball onto the opposing side of the court.
On a Tuesday afternoon, the sun was bright, and the sound of the Baptist’s school bell rung throughout the air, proclaiming the ending of another school day. The students shuffled throughout the hallways, excited to get out. This was the day the Marianas Baptist academy students were going to be playing in their first volley ball game against one of the most powerful team throughout the history of volleyball seasons; Mnt. Caramel. MBA’s volley ball team walked out into the court in their new, snazzy, uniformed t-shirts with the words “Pain is temporary, but pride is forever” written on the back. The Mount Caramel students arrived and many of the seniors on the Baptist’s team gave out a sigh of relief. They noticed that all of the Mnt. Caramel’s most powerful players had graduated and where no longer members of the team.
The game started out a little slow paced. Everyone was still getting adjusted to the competition. MBA pulled ahead by winning the first set, but then sadly, we lost the last two sets. The Marinas Baptist’s volleyball team humbly accepted their defeat but swore to win for sure next time!
The volleyball team has undergone some great training and they continue training daily. Make sure not to miss their upcoming games, because the support our school can offer can really make a difference!
By: Myana T Welch
Sweat, concentration, and quick feet have clouded the minds of our School’s volleyball team members. Given a one-week period prior to the seasons start for training, the volleyball team members had to quickly master the skills of a skilled volleyball player. This year’s coach, Mr. Good, has had background experience of playing college ball, and to make sure that he taught the players well, he ordered a volley ball training guide written by true professional coaches. The practices start with a warm up, followed by ball handling drills, and then ended with a scrimmage. The warm up is a pretty tough routine, so tough that many of the players wish they could avoid it. They do lunges, calf workouts, latter sprints, coordinating arm stretches, jumping jacks, and “squat thrust” drills (which is like a hamstring flexors and pushup put into one smooth motion). After the hardest part is through, then comes the part that challenges most of the players mentally rather than physically. The unexpected tossing of the ball in all directions is one of the many great challenges the players have to face when dashing to and fro to retrieve them. Another drill is called the “zigzag” drill. This is the drill which requires the players to stand in two lines, facing towards each other, that’s where they must pass the ball in a zigzag like motion all the way to the end of the line, then all the way back up. Out of all the drills, my favorite drill would have to be the “Bump, set, spike” drill. This is where teamwork is really put into action. One person bumps, the another person sets, and then the last person runs up to the net and smashes the ball onto the opposing side of the court.
On a Tuesday afternoon, the sun was bright, and the sound of the Baptist’s school bell rung throughout the air, proclaiming the ending of another school day. The students shuffled throughout the hallways, excited to get out. This was the day the Marianas Baptist academy students were going to be playing in their first volley ball game against one of the most powerful team throughout the history of volleyball seasons; Mnt. Caramel. MBA’s volley ball team walked out into the court in their new, snazzy, uniformed t-shirts with the words “Pain is temporary, but pride is forever” written on the back. The Mount Caramel students arrived and many of the seniors on the Baptist’s team gave out a sigh of relief. They noticed that all of the Mnt. Caramel’s most powerful players had graduated and where no longer members of the team.
The game started out a little slow paced. Everyone was still getting adjusted to the competition. MBA pulled ahead by winning the first set, but then sadly, we lost the last two sets. The Marinas Baptist’s volleyball team humbly accepted their defeat but swore to win for sure next time!
The volleyball team has undergone some great training and they continue training daily. Make sure not to miss their upcoming games, because the support our school can offer can really make a difference!
By: Myana T Welch