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Book Report synopsis on "Wringer" by jerry Spinelli

When Palmer LaRue turns nine, he becomes one of the guys. Now a member of a popular gang, with the cool nickname of Snots, his life is looking very good, except for one thing. He is now only a year away from becoming a wringer, which is a 10-year-old boys who has tobreak the necks of wounded birds in the town's annual pigeon shoot. Unlike his pals who can't wait for that privilege, Palmer dreads it. To make matters worse, a stray pigeon shows up at his window, and soon he is feeding and sheltering it in his room. His life becomes a balancing act of hanging out with the guys, who hate pigeons, and attending to his new pet, Nipper, and Palmer is required to go to great lengths to keep the two worlds apart. When he turns 10, and the pigeon shoot rolls around, the boy is forced to take a stand, and eventually has to rescue Nipper from being killed. Eventually he becomes an example and all the other boys with soft hearts and kind spirits, chose to take a stand as well. No more mindless killing of the innocent pigeons.
